October 20, 2009


Seniors are so exciting to photograph. They all have such different personalities, passions and ideas. As soon as I think I have no new ideas, in walks a creative individual who is full of them! Tony's an avid hunter and wanted some unique shots of him with his bow. So much fun! Great images from the day and a great kid! Here's a few from his session! Enjoy!

October 12, 2009

Embracing uniqueness

We just went to a birthday party for a dear family friend who turned 80. I have known her all my life and my kids call her Grandma Jean. She is a precious soul that has touched so many. Time, these days, has gotten away from us and the urgency of every day things has superceded the important things. We haven't been for a visit in over a year. Something that I'm not proud of.
The morning we were getting ready for her party, my daughter Tressa jumps up from the table and announces she's going to give her a card. I took a deep breath because I needed to get ready and her spelling is atrocious so whenever writing is involved I have to sit with her to help her spell correctly. By the time she had found the perfect card I had begun to get ready and forgotten all about it. She came in the bathroom and announced she was done and needed an envelope. The first thought that came into my mind was "I hope she wrote it in pencil". She went to watch Sponge Bob as I read her card.

"Happy Birthday!
I haven't seen you in years! Know I'm in fourth grade?
But right now
I'm right here
On your birthday.
From, Tressa
Look on the back ->"
On the back of her card was taped a plastic heart bracelet.
I balled.
I balled because of her sincerity and innocence,
because of how deeply her words rang through my ears
and straight to my heart,
because of my stupidity,
and because she gave an 80 year old woman a platic heart bracelet.
When I regained my composure, I asked Tressa what made her decide to give Jean the bracelet and she said,
"I have so many and I wanted her to have something pretty to wear for her party."
It's unbelievable the way He speaks to us.
I sat down with her and told her what an amazing thing she did in writing this card. She said, "How many words did I spell wrong?" I cried as I told her that it didn't matter.
My actions could have caused her to dislike writing all together.
She is a gifted writer.
I told her someday she'd grow up and write cards for Hallmark.
She thought that would be great.
Don't let the urgent supercede the important.

October 2, 2009

Eli's famous!

The adorable hats I purchased from Bridget at Charbridge Knits & Gifts put Eli on her websites! Check him out and her amazing work!


Here's to you.
Here's to the heady aroma of the frost-kissed apples,
the wild-as-the wind smell of hickory nuts and
the nostalgic whiff of that first wood smoke.
-Ken Weber

October 1, 2009

Eli is 1!

Okay, so I'm a little late...a year and a month. Where did the time go? Although I believe the third time is a charm. I really feel like I'm spending oodles of quality time with him and capturing tons of moments of him and the kids. We're completely enjoying this big ray of sunshine that has come into our hearts.
I took a few shots of him this morning partly for his benefit and part for mine. I bought these new hats and had to try one out (the others are adorable but for newborns so you'll have to wait to see those). My family immediately identified him as an elf and Cory even wanted to know if I could make the colors red & green for Christmas pictures. Poor kid, he's really going to hate me when he gets older. People will tell stories when he's a teenager of seeing him in the cutest little elf hat while in his "birthday suit". But, hey that's the only disadvantage I can think of for having a photographer for a mother. When they grow up they probably won't leave their kids alone with me. Ah, so is life. Besides you think they're cute right? I've got years before the repercussions start!

Outlook on life

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.
-Ralph Emerson