My son Eli saw something he just could not resist - his older sister's Nintendo DS. How is it that he is only 7 months old and already wants to play video games? I can't believe it's starting already. He already has his own channel. My husband bought him The Baby Channel when he was 2 months old. I thought to myself, "Wow, nothing like jumping the gun sweetie". Boy was I way off base, we turned it on for him and he just stared at the screen intently for like 5 minutes and didn't move. He's been an addict ever since. Loves to watch it. He even stops whatever he's doing when his favorite kangaroo cartoon comes on, he actually recognizes the song. Now there are probably Mother's out there just shaking their heads with disbelief, "You're not supposed to let them watch tv until they're 2!" Well, I think it's making him smarter. My husband always says, "Everything I know I've learned from video games and old movies". Well, Eli's starting early, really early.

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