Imaging USA 2010
This was my first big photography convention, the first of many I hope. When I saw it was in Nashville I was thrilled because Cory's Aunt lives there so we could stay with her and I could afford it! It is perfectly planned being held at the beginning of the year too. A fresh start, so many photographers looking for inspiration, striving to be noticed and looking to be taught by the industries best of the best.
Cory is constantly telling me, "Your work is way better then that". (I just love him to death!) I rarely agree with him because I feel every picture is different and everyone sees something different and they are trying to tell a story or make you feel something from their perspective and as an artist you're not going to get through to everyone.
And because as much as he tells me how great my work is, to admit that I'm better then them may lead to a very big head.
But that being said I do strongly believe in surrounding myself in work that astonishes me, work that makes me stop and ask how did they do that, work that I want mine to resemble some day. There are so many photographers coming out these days and calling themselves professional. I'm certainly not pointing any fingers, I had no schooling what so ever and am still trying to figure things out. The only reason I'm thriving is because of all the amazing people
that surround me.
My favorite class from the convention was given by Louise & Joseph Simone. Their images could be hung amongst the finest in an art gallery. Their class was titled "Where have all the artists gone?". Touchy subject for some in this field. They taught how to light properly, to take your time posing, to study art and see the emotion the subject is portraying. Deep stuff. Just look at this image.
That is something I aspire to be.
Apart from the classes was a trade show about the size of a Cosco where you were pulled in every direction as long as you brought your wallet with you. And boy we sure did. Cory graciously purchased a "flow posing" dvd set for me and all the amenities as no doubt he couldn't handle my being nauseous every night before weddings anymore. I purchased a chic new background and another speedlight. We stopped in to say hello to my printing lab and Cory nudges me, "Isn't that one of yours?" I almost screamed and did jazzy hands, but I kept my cool. "Oh my gosh! It is!" They had not only one but TWO of my senior albums on display! Well, that just made my...YEAR!
Aside from all the classes was of course where this was all being held. The Gaylord Opryland Hotel & Convention Center. Wow. What an amazing place to visit at least once in your life. From 11:30-4:30 every day was our break from classes. We explored a little, stopped at a few churches. His Aunt lives right next to this church that is ontop of this huge hill which is one of the highest points in Nashville. The last two pictures are of this church and the view you see. Beautiful, cold definitely, but worth it!
We went to see Avatar in Imax 3D with Cory's Grandma and Uncle. Such an amazing movie! We of course had to eat sushi. Poor Cory lives in the middle of nowhere and is deprived of his favorite food in the world so he's in heaven whenever we hit the big cities with all the different cuisines! We also had a very memorable moment finding the Cheesecake Factory. Cory is a huge The Big Bang Theory fan, even more so of Sheldon. If you follow this show, Sheldon is a little OCD and of course eats every Tuesday at The Cheesecake Factory and eats a bacon barbecue cheeseburger with the bacon, barbecue sauce and cheese on the side. Yup, we googled it. We knew we had to go. So as we discussed our plans over sushi and my teriyaki beef (because I hate sushi) our friends Kelly and Kathy decided they had to see this!
So after classes off we went, Cory not believing what he got himself into. We got an appetizer and some drinks and when the waitress came and found out it was our first time visiting she said, "Well as you can see our menu is long and we have just about everything!"
Cory says, "Do you have the Sheldon Cooper?".
She gives him a blank stare for a second and says, "Uh, what's that?"
"You know the Sheldon Cooper, a bacon barbecue cheeseburger with the bacon, barbecue sauce and cheese on the side."
Again with the blank stare and she laughs and says, "Okay, you got me."
So as Cory begins to explain to her she says, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I didn't get that! My roommate loves Sheldon and swares she's going to marry him one day! That was good, I can't wait to go home and tell her!"
We made some great memories there laughing with friends and we even shared a red velvet piece of cheesecake which was good enough to drive 10 hours for!
So, it was a great mini vacation filled with fun, learning, inspiration, good food, beautiful scenery, family and friends and new memories. It's all about the little things. Great way to start off the year! Can't wait to see what He has in store for us!