This is our first real family vacation and boy we sure have set the bar high! Everyone said, "Florida, in July? Are you guys nuts?" Yeah, maybe we were but God sure hooked us up because although it was really warm, for the most part it was overcast and not one of us got burnt! I think we'd all agree that our most favorite part was swimming with the dolphins at Discovery Cove. If you ever get the chance to go - do not pass up the opportunity! It was amazing with the hours of snorkeling we did and then the interactions with the dolphins....wow! We have tons of pictures and a video to remember it by and I'll just share with you a few of our favorites!

This is us in the wading area with the manta rays. Tressa was really proud she touched 48 at that point. They are really soft. It was an awesome experience! At one point Cory had one land in his hand under water and just stayed there for a couple minutes!

What a good dad, though I think he would have thought twice about taking both the kids by himself if he knew what he was in for. The Tropical River is an area at Discovery Cove that has a current pushing you through it. For any of you that ever decide to go - a bit of advice... it would be nice to have something to float on while looking at all the gorgeous scenery and going underneath waterfalls or at least know how to swim for long periods of time as most of it is over your head.
This was a little piece of information Cory did not know about as he took Gabe, who can't swim very well and likes to climb over your head as he's trying to get away from the hundreds of gallons of water falling on his head, and Tressa, who can swim pretty well but has to wipe her eyes every time they get wet (which was a lot). Since I had my camera with me I couldn't go in so I waited for them at the place where they should have ended up and wondered if I should go in after them when it seemed like it had been way too long. Finally they emerged from the water "a little worn out". Needless to say the next time we went through we got floating vests and goggles for the kids!

When it is your turn to ride on the dolphin they tell you to grab onto his fin with your right hand and under his belly with your left. Gabe was the last one for a ride. Assuming he watched all the previous rides and knew what they meant when the trainer said "Hop on!" Gabe actually did "hop on" just like he was riding a horse! The trainer laughed so hard and told him that wasn't quite what she meant and that was the first time she'd seen anyone do that!

More pictures to come soon!