You'll be on your way up!
You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.
You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed.
You'll pass the whole gang and you'll soon take the lead.
Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.
Wherever you go, you will top all the rest."
Excerpt from "Oh the places you'll go" by Dr. Seuss
I love this book. If you haven't read it since grade school it's been too long. I sometimes put it in my Seniors slideshow, makes the mom's cry every time.
I was reminded of this book while I was taking pictures of my son Eli outside the other day. It was one of his first experiences touching grass. He was a little unsure if he should even move at first. He sat really still, just moving his eyes, taking in nature as it whirled through the trees and blew the fluffy dandelions into the air. Soon he got brave and as the long blades reached out and tickled his toes, he reached down and pulled a long green strand out of the ground and immediately put it in his mouth. Mmmmm.....yeah maybe not. Here came the drool to flush it out of his mouth and then he was off. Squeeling and screeching he'd yell as he carefully crawled through the grass picking up little sticks and leaves. Leaves from last fall, last fall when he was just brand new. Here it is almost June, nine whole months went by like a week. As he stuck the brown crispy leaf in his mouth I started to cry.
How fast it all went. I hear that so much now. We all have so many things to fill up our time, so many things to keep us busy - busier than yesterday, busier than last week. I couldn't hardly even remember how we'd gotten to where we were. I go through the daily routine so much and every day you prepare things for the next. Always looking to tomorrow when today isn't even finished. I looked at this curious, beautiful boy feeling the grass beneath his little fingers and I felt a change.
I promise I will enjoy you today.
I promise not to spend so much time on my computer that I don't see the wonder of what you see.
I promise I will not think so much about tomorrow that I don't remember today.
I promise to stop and feel the grass with you.
I promise to look for shapes in the clouds with you.
I promise to spend hours blowing bubbles for you.
I promise to laugh with you.
I promise to enjoy your childhood with you.